Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New Chapter in Life

Wow...it has certainly been a LONG time since I wrote a blog, hasn't it? Don't worry I can explain though! Things became pretty hectic leading up to graduation, but you know what? It was all worth it! I am so proud to say that as of May 15, 2010, I am a college graduate! I would have to say that May 15, 2010 will be one of those days (like many others) that is etched into my memory. As I was getting ready for my big day, I had a sense of the jitters both good and bad. I was more nervous about falling or tripping as I walked across the stage than anything else! The good thing was, I was proud to look at myself in the mirror and say, "Look at you...you finally made it! It was a challenge, but you made it!" I was all smiles the entire day...that was until I got in the car to leave and a thunderstorm warning of ALL things came across the radio.

I swear that since my dream is to become a meteorologist, it ALWAYS rains the day of graduation, sometimes really bad! When I graduated from high school, it stormed. Graduation from community college...stormed AND had hail! Southeastern graduation...you guessed it...blinding rain, deadly lightning, and a tornado touchdown in LaPlace during the ceremony! It must be a sign LOL! Anyways, I put on my cap and gown and kissed my boyfriend goodbye before going to meet with my college. All types of energy was flowing through my veins when I looked out and saw all of the famiiles and friends being seated. I saw Dr. Narro, one of my professors, before the big event, and she hugged me and awarded me with a Journalism ribbon and said, "Congratulations...you're a journalist now!" Not only did I think the pin I received at the colloquim was a pretty big deal, but a ribbon for my hard work?! That was AMAZING! After that, the band started to play "Pomp and Circumstance," and it was almost time to walk out with my fellow classmates and graduates. The second I stepped into the University Center, all I could do was hold my head up and smile. I did get misty-eyed because I started thinking about all I overcame to get to where I needed to be as well as those that I lost who pushed me to the max and believed in me every step of the way. It took everything in me not to cry, but I was overjoyed with my accomplishments, and having my family there to see it made it all the more better! Once I received the degree cover, I held it high at the end of the ceremony and screamed with joy to show that I made it and was darn proud of it.

So as you can see, despite the stormy weather, things turned out to be bittersweet but enjoyable nonetheless. As for now, I have been trying to work full-time and study up on my weather because Mississippi State may be adding another graduate to their meteorology program. I haven't a doubt in my mind that I will be somebody, I will be able to do for those that I couldn't do for before, and that I will ALWAYS keep the dream alive. The dream is no longer just something I want to do. It is a sacred promise. A promise to my grandfather and aunts that no matter what, I won't give up. I miss them so much, more than words can say, but by taking pride in the thing I love most, I always have them close to my heart. I also wouldn't have made it without the help of those who are still here that have helped: my mom, my sister, my boyfriend, and his family. I definitely couldn't do it without the help of my teachers and professors because without them, what was the purpose of an education?! Last but not least, I have my true friends to thank, even those I may have lost touch with. No matter how different I may be from other people or what I'm passionate about, I have never been seen as weird or anything at all. Hopefully in due time, the dream will come alive, but for now, I will have to get used to not being in school until next year and working harder and harder to reach my goals in life. Also, I will try my hardest to write a little bit more :-D! God Bless!