Friday, April 16, 2010

Mission: Graduation

Well...I'm happy to say that I have survived writing my first ever thesis! I just can't believe I was able to pull it off! The entire semester has been stressful because of a lack of instruction to write a great paper, but at the same time, learning new techniques and gaining a sense of confidence when it comes time for the colloquium made it all the better. Once I turned that paper in Tuesday, I felt like the clouds just separated and the sun came down full blast! I was so excited to say, "Hey...I wrote this! This is my finished thesis and my hard work." I've been on a high all week even before submitting the paper. I did have a tough time after I lost a really good friend of mine towards the finishing process, but I'm sure that even though we can't communicate right now (for really stupid reasons), she's still supporting me from where she is.

The colloquium is coming up in 11 days, and I don't know whether to be excited or nervous. I know no details on who will be asking me questions and providing me with feedback after the presentation, and I don't know if I'm going to have a small audience or a really big one. A good bit of my classmates are coming to support me and I'm hoping one of my really awesome teachers can come as well. I'd really like for my family to be there if they can, but I know that they have hectic schedules with graduation coming up and school ending. Words just can't describe how estatic I feel about everything. I am truly blessed to have the opportunity of a lifetime to make history and be proud of what I've done throughout my school career. I know for sure Grandpa, Aunt Doris, Aunt Theresa, and all of my other family members are smiling down from heaven saying how proud they are of me and letting me know that they love me. For once, things feel more right than ever. I just wish I was able to share more of it with the ones that mean the most to me....

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